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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Psoriasis Treatment and Management Free Essays
Psoriasis is an immune system issue of the skin, which implies that the body’s barrier framework has turned on itself. This causes â€Å"angry red sores to show up on the outside of the skin, duplicate, and scale over with shiny patches†(1). In addition to the fact that they look repulsive, however motivation horrendous tingling and distress. We will compose a custom article test on Psoriasis: Treatment and Management or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now â€Å"The word (psoriasis) originates from antiquated Greece, and means ‘to itch'†(1). This infection can be available from birth or not appear until an individual is very much into their grown-up years. They can likewise be found anyplace on the body, from the scalp to the elbows. Psoriasis influences around two percent of the populace. The seriousness can run from a couple of spots to gigantic flare-ups covering the entire body, requiring hospitalization. In spite of the fact that the sickness is hereditarily acquired, â€Å"it has triggers which can make the body go from an exceptionally mellow case to a serious case inside days†(1). Strep throat and hot nourishments are instances of triggers that expansion the seriousness. â€Å"There are likewise different elements, for example, daylight, which help decline the severity†(1). There are numerous sorts of psoriasis including, nail, scalp, plaque, pustular, guttate, converse, erythrodermic, and psoriatic joint pain. Plaque psoriasis is the most widely recognized sort. Alongside these bothering physical reactions are the passionate variables. This ailment can cause its’ casualties to feel distanced from individual associates and companions. Individuals who have no involvement in the ailment will in general be inaccessible towards the individuals who do, in light of the fact that they think it is infectious. To redress, victims frequently wear pants and long sleeves to cover their skin, even in summer heat, or stay away from a public activity inside and out. There is no known solution for psoriasis, just the would like to control its’ seriousness. Each instance of psoriasis is extraordinary, and may require a specific type of treatment or a blend of medicines to acquire help. The vast majority of those accessible currently work to reduce the redness and tingling, however will in general be expensive and tedious. As of late, researchers have built up another technique for treatment. The 308-nm excimer laser is an exceptionally thought light emission radiation. During the system a patient gets a specific, endorsed measurement of radiation on an enormous plaque of psoriasis. In contrast to different strategies for phototherapy, the laser just contacts the affected territory, leaving ordinary skin safe by unneeded radiation. In an examination done in a college dermatology administration, coming up next was accounted for: Thirteen back to back patients with in any event four huge, stable psoriasis plaques were utilized. Excimer laser-produced 308-nm UV-B radiation was given to every one of the four plaques, which got 1, 2, 4, and 20 medicines, separately. Untreated zones inside every plaque filled in as the control. With 308-nm UV-B radiation created by an excimer laser, it is conceivable to clear psoriasis with as meager as one treatment with modestly long abatement (2). Cancer-causing levels, which measure the measure of malignancy causing radiation, were a lot of lower in patients who utilize the laser method, than in the individuals who utilize complete body UV-B radiation treatment. Undesirable reactions with the utilization of the 308-nm excimer laser incorporate consuming sensations and some rankling. The utilization of topical salves with hydrocolloid dressings is a progressively conventional type of treatment. It includes applying a recommended corticosteriod salve, as calcipotriol, to a psoriasis plaque and afterward enveloping the region by a hydrocolloid dressing. In an investigation done by the Department of Dermatology in the Netherlands, it was accounted for that: After a normal treatment of 3. a month and a half, every injury had cleared (aside from some remaining erythema). The normal reduction time frame was two months. During this treatment, the quantity of cycling epidermal cells and the declaration of keratin 14 and keratin16 had diminished generously. It is estimated that a blend treatment of calcipotriol with medicines with an alternate method of activity, for example, photograph treatment, may be beneficial (3). In any case, a few patients experienced inconvenience in the ordinary skin encompassing the psoriatic fix with this strategy. Specialists likewise found that the psoriatic epidermal skin cells multiplied, or replicated, at a much more slow rate than typical, which implies that the plaque arrangement would diminish and be controlled simpler. Maybe the most seasoned and most famous type of treatment for psoriasis available today is coal tar. â€Å"Exorex TM is another over-the-counter preparation†which contains, â€Å"one percent coal tar†(1). This structure doesn’t fundamentally clear the affected zones, it mitigates tingling, redness, and scaling in a specific way. It is presumably the least expensive and most straightforward to utilize, and doesn't require a solution to get. Most clients have acknowledged the way that they have this sickness, and that there is no remedy for it. Hence, they utilize these salves for individual physical alleviation, not to attempt to conceal their psoriasis from others. There are not many, trifling undesirable reactions of coal tar balms. Powerlessness to burn from the sun, untidiness, terrible smells, and recoloring of garments and skin happen as often as possible. This dynamic fixing isn't just found in salves yet sedated shampoos and shower arrangements too. Agranulocytosis is depicted as â€Å"a condition brought about by an absence of or a lacking number of white blood cells†(4). Researchers have discovered that in serious instances of psoriasis, sedate prompted agranulocytosis really assists with clearing the influenced regions. In an investigation done on a 45-year-elderly person by the International Journal of Dermatology, it found that: The patient was treated with intravenous granulocyte monocyte animating variable (GMSF). The GMSF was given on five sequential days. On the 6th day, the psoriatic sores cleared totally. There was 90% leeway of the injuries, with a PASI (Psoriasis Activity and Severity Index) being decreased (from 22) to 2. 2. The patient likewise had improvement in joint agony. Likewise, the summed up lymphadenopathy recognized at affirmation had diminished extensively (5). As per Dr. Kevin Patrick, lymphadenopathy is an irritation of the lymph hubs, which sift life forms and microscopic organisms through of the circulatory system (4). Anyway amazing these outcomes might be, researchers despite everything guarantee that â€Å"drug-prompted agranulocytosis is a perplexing marvel, it is hard to remark on its accurate job in the pathogenesis of psoriasis†(5). The most encouraging treatment for psoriasis is difficult to demonstrate, since each case is unique, and not all medicines work for each casualty. Be that as it may, the 308-nm excimer laser strategy is by all accounts the treatment with the best outcomes. On the off chance that a patient needs dependable freedom and wouldn't fret giving up time and an enormous entirety of cash, the laser will work for them. Be that as it may, for those who’s primary concern is the physical reactions, for example, tingling, chipping, and redness, at that point coal tar salves and comparable items might be the decision for them. They are anything but difficult to acquire, most drugstores and general stores convey them, and genuinely economical contrasted with different medicines. For the individuals who might want leeway of their plaques, however can not get to the excimer laser treatment, calcipotriol salve, and hydrocolloid dressings appear to hold the most guarantee for them. Step by step instructions to refer to Psoriasis: Treatment and Management, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ethnicity and race in the USA
America has in the past had settlements that realized the different ethnic gatherings that exist in the immense nation. The presence of various ethnic gatherings here has since affected on its racial relations. Race might be characterized as a natural change between two gatherings of people.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Ethnicity and race in the USA explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The phenotypic racial distinction is portrayed by physical appearances while the genotypic racial contrast is controlled by difference in hereditary cosmetics. There are a lot of racial gatherings in the USA. They incorporate the whites, blacks, Asians and Indians. Also, there are different gatherings of Americans who are not perceived in any of these racial classifications. These are Hispanics, Asian Indians, Arab Americans and Bi-racial people. While races can be separated on a phenotypic (physical appearance) premise, they can't be separated on a genotypic pr emise (hereditary cosmetics). This is on the grounds that individuals from various races can be distinguished by their composition and other physical and social discernments however their hereditary cosmetics stays pretty much the equivalent. This is a direct result of the way that they have a place with similar animal types. Examines show that people have a small hereditary variety of about 0.5%; rude of their physical contrasts. This distinction is too little to even think about giving rice to a significant minor departure from capacity or natural insight. This infers the distinction in hereditary sythesis of people may just be utilized to build up human physical appearance instead of deciding capacity. Notwithstanding, this has offered ascend to various discussions with respect to why some racial gatherings are similarly better at doing a few exercises than others. Each racial gathering is portrayed by its extraordinary and unmistakable social convictions and practices. The diffe rentiation in social convictions and practices has achieved the impression of some social gatherings as predominant and others substandard. This is an avocation of social differences and misuse of gatherings saw as substandard by their boss partners. Note this is additionally the reason for bigotries that is a hazard in America. Bigotry is a conviction of instinctual inadequacy of a group of races because of their organic variations. Ethnicity, then again, joins race as its part. Individuals of a similar ethnic gathering share general social and racial family line. Along these lines, the participation of an individual in an ethnic gathering is inborn and dependent on birth and subsequently can't be adjusted. Be that as it may, there have been contentions that ethnicity can be adjusted as directed by social conditions of an individual or situation.Advertising Looking for exposition on ethnicity considers? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OF F Learn More This is as yet dependent upon a great deal of discussions since ethnicity has consistently been seen as the hereditary source to which somebody or a gathering of individuals can be followed or related to. Attributable to the way that some ethnic groups are littler regarding numbers when contrasted with others, there will undoubtedly be ethnic bias. The littler ethnic gatherings are victimized by the greater gatherings due to their powerlessness to be heard. Ethnic bias is the contrary recognition or convictions individuals may have on others. Ethnic segregation, then again, is the genuine indication of ethnic bias as far as activities. This is, in many events, showed through inconsistent treatment. Ethnic minority may come because of indigenous occupants of a given topographical area being overwhelmed over by workers who might be bigger in number. Furthermore, it might come about when a little gathering of migrants are commanded over by indigenous occupants. In the USA, for example, the rudder of moral prevalence is commanded by the whites and their dark partners come at the base of the pecking order stepping stool. Other ethnic groups are situated in the middle. This exposition on Ethnicity and race in the USA was composed and presented by client Eve M. to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Should UK policy makers be concerned about unemployment persistence Essay
Should UK arrangement producers be worried about joblessness ingenuity and hysteresis given the expansion in the joblessness rate since the beginning of the downturn in 2008 - Essay Example There are various ways to deal with characterize joblessness; these methodologies have been made since joblessness may not be a simple angle in the globe. There have emerged various difficulties which have pushed the universal organizations to plan various parts of joblessness (Mortensen, Pissarides, Tatsiramos and Zimmermann, 2011). This methodology depends on the information gathered from people who guarantee they are not utilized. In the UK, such classification of people is at risk to get some assistance from the legislature, the assistance can be named as the Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA). The particulars such individuals need to achieve incorporate; unemployed for under 16 hours per week, be accessible for work, right now looking for business, ability to deal with work, be old enough and an inhabitant in the UK. This can be summed up by the accompanying condition to portray the rate joblessness rate: ILO gauges that gathering of individuals who are not working, effectively looking for employments and equipped for undertaking any activity that may emerge. This methodology gauges the extent of the populace that is jobless, this includes: the individuals who are financially dynamic in the nation. The rate, which is shown up at is state based since it envelops occupants of the specific nation (Clasen, Goul, Halvorsen and Oorschot, 2002). Enumeration in the UK is done after at regular intervals; it targets giving a check surprisingly and the family units separated from the segment information which is gathered. The enumeration additionally benefits a major scope of work related information. This information is significant in estimation of joblessness. As indicated by the registration reports, joblessness can be depicted as the quantity of people who don't have occupations and are effectively searching for employments. This is a similar guideline delineated in the International work association (ILO) (Howell, 2005). Joblessness rotates around the monetary factors in the nation. Each little area in the economy
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
An Inside Look At A Soldiers Life in the Vietnam War Essay
The emotional stress that most soldiers carry with them during times of war is due to their inexperience and age. The majority of men who fought in the Vietnam war ranged from ages early as eighteen to their early twenties. Among these men, were sons, spouses, friends, boyfriends, and students, who could not understand the thought of war, killing, or contend with their friends’ unexpected deaths. From the beginning of the story, O’Brien the author of â€Å"The Things They Carried†uses specific details and illustrations to show readers what the experience was like for the men during the Vietnam war. Among the many things that the men carry were guilt, fear, grief, and stress. Throughout the story O’Brien emphasizes the dreadful events that†¦show more content†¦While others such as Ted Lavender carried personal items like marijuana and tranquilizers to relax and calm himself down. While others carried a bible like Kiowa , who received the new test ament as a gift from his father. Some of the physical things the men carried were standard government issue, like a compress in case of emergencies such as fatal injuries and a poncho that can be used as a raincoat, groundsheet, or possibly a tent. Almost all the men carry a standard military issue M-16 assault rifle and several rounds of ammunition. While others carry grenade launchers, a pistol, bombs, explosive devices, bug spray, pocket knives, tobacco, cigarettes, can openers and gum. By listing these objects O’ Brien symbolizes the physical burdens the men carry. Despite the physical burdens, O’Brien also illustrates the emotional burdens or stress that each soldier undergoes while in combat. For example, in the story Henry Dobbins carries his girlfriend’s pantyhose with him throughout the war which symbolizes love and longing for one another through an atmosphere of comfort. Although Lieutenant Cross carries the maps, the compass and weapons much like t he others, he carries the responsibility for his men’s lives. The emotional burden that O’Brien encompasses throughout the story. Through these detailed illustrations O’Brien exhibits the physical andShow MoreRelatedFacing It By Yusef Komunyakaa1158 Words  | 5 PagesKomunyakaa, he himself is the one who is speaking, the poem is about his own life experience at the Vietnam Memorial. The way a person can tell if the own poet of the poem is the speaker is by the use of first person. In this case, the poet uses words like â€Å"I†and â€Å"I’m†that support the fact that he is the speaker. The Vietnam War was a Historical event taken place in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Which was one of the first War that African Americans were integrated with White people, and the majorityRead MoreAnalysis of I Am the Grass1707 Words  | 7 Pagesdaughter anything about the time he spent as a grunt with the 25th infantry in Vietnam even though the ho rrible memories are with him all the time. He loves his wife and daughter and wants them to believe he is a good man even though he doesn’t believe it. He feels that he is two people fighting within himself. On the outside, he appears to live a comfortable life as a physician and family man, but on the inside he is a war criminal with a shriveled soul. He is a plastic surgeon who is bored with hisRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1039 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"My life is storytelling. I believe in stories, in their incredible power to keep people alive, to keep the living alive, and the dead.†Tim O’Brien’s novel, The Things They Carried, was filled with embellished stories and memories of war veterans. O’Brien’s reasoning for writing that particular book was because he believed that while a memory can die with a person, written words are forever set in stone. In his book, War was every one of the soldier’s enemy; It did not matter which side they foughtRead MoreTim OBriens The Things They Carried Essay1350 Words  | 6 Pagesinterpretations or assumptions of what Americans believe about the war; stating their opinions about politics or the military is not something they are afraid of doing. Whichever way a person wants to perceive the war is entirely up to them, but the viewpoints of the soldiers’ who are fighting in said war, show perspectives that are often entirely opposite of the views of those Americans. Tim O’Brien’s The Thing They Carried offers insight on the Vietnam War as told by soldiers during that time. O’Brien blurs distinctionRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1459 Words  | 6 Pages1950’s, the Vietnam War turned to be the modern pinnacle for battles resulting in the deaths of 58,000 American soldiers and millions of Vietnamese death. It saw the viable destruction of modern technology such as the newly fashioned M-16 rifle a nd the Apache, a helicopter made for mass destruction. For the soldiers experiencing Vietnam, it was truly an experience which would shape their hearts and minds forever. As evidenced in Tim O’ Brien’s The Things They Carried, The Vietnam War was an emotionalRead More OBriens Things They Carried Essay: An American Nightmare1474 Words  | 6 Pages History has shaped every country and their people, in particular negative experiences like the Holocaust in Nazi-Germany or the Vietnam war, involving the United States in a grueling controversy from 1964 until 1975. The author Tim OBrian confronts an American audience in his short stories The Things They Carried with the inhumane consequences of political and military power decisions by rewriting history from a subjective,individual point of view. Thus he forces the audience to take a standRead MoreThe Sorrow of War Essay1244 Words  | 5 PagesThe Sorrow of War Bao Ninh’s The Sorrow of War is a novel that is a personal view of the Vietnam War from the perspective of a Vietnamese soldier. Like the American novel â€Å"The things they carried†, this novel brings about the effects of war on people, and especially how it defeats the human capacity for things such as love and hope. Bao Ninh offers this realistic picture of the Vietnam War’s impact on the individual Vietnamese soldier through use of a series of reminiscences or flashbacks, jumpingRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien831 Words  | 4 Pagesabout loved ones back home. War has everlasting traumatic effects on people. The soldiers that do survive will never live the same lives they did before the war. Tim O’Brien’s book The Things They Carried does a great job explaining the effects of war on soldiers through many stories O’Brien experienced during the Vietnam War. From trying to escape the war, to his buddy Kiowa dying in muck , O’Brien expertly portrays the emotional and physical pain one can go through during war. Although this book depictsRead MoreEssay about Change In The Things They Carried1636 Words  | 7 Pages Change In The Things They Carried a war novel by Tim OBrien, we are told many short stories compiled to make a whole. I want to emphasis on the importance of the chapter Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong. In this chapter we are introduced to the character Mary Anne. She shows the changing power of Vietnam, that a sweet innocent young girl can come into this land and be forever consumed by her surroundings. The speaker show us this through character action, character description, dialogue andRead MoreThe Things They Carried Essay1305 Words  | 6 Pagesparticular story and it is the experiences that he had regarding war that have drove him to write the this story. The book gives a clear depiction of the war in Vietnam by showing the horrors of war but there have been varying views regarding the question of whether the book is an antiwar or not. As a result, the purpose of this paper is to address this particular issue by addressing different views in regard to whether the book is an anti-war on not and this will be supported by specific incidences and
Friday, May 15, 2020
My Personal Narrative Of My Life - 1530 Words
My Personal Narrative One event from my life that I always remember is when I was first starting school. I was wearing a Bright Blue Basketball Shirt and a pair of Bright Blue Basketball Shorts. I woke up very early that day. When my sisters finally woke up they got ready and we went outside to wait for the bus. When the bus came my mom wanted to get pictures of us. So when we arrived at school I went to class. I was extremely nervous but when my teacher told us her name I laughed. She told us her name was Miss.Wiederman and that made the entire class giggle. When it came lunch time I didn’t know where to sit. So when my sisters came in they told me to sit with them. That is one good memory that I have with my family. Another is when I†¦show more content†¦When I decided that I wanted to go to school I was very nervous again. I made friends pretty much immediately. Over the past few years I have had arguments with them but after a few days of not talking we usually go back to talking again. I still have some contact with the friends from my old town through facebook and texting. Realizing what amazing friends I have is really a good feeling cause I know they will have my back through some pretty bad situations. Although there are some really fun times I have had with my friends, last year wasn’t really that great of a year. Even though friends are amazing to have, sometimes they can get really distracting from your schoolwork. Over the 12 years of school that I have had so far I have always had some troubles in school. The trouble I have had was mainly with my grades. I have not really had good grades in quite a few years. Last year I focused more on hanging out with my friends and not turning in my homework so I failed. The same thing has happened for a few years. My grades were not always bad. It didn’t start going downhill until about seventh grade. I was diagnosed with ADHD and Depression. When I found out that I had those diso rders it made me very upset. I didn’t turn anything in, I was very antisocial, and I basically didn’t care about school at all. This year so far I have been turning in my assignments and I am passing all my classes with straight A’s. Which has made me very happy. NotShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Narrative Of My Life1261 Words  | 6 PagesThis will be a long personal narrative about my current stressful life. Before, I came down to the University of Georgia to work with the football team my life back in East Lansing, Michigan was quite peaceful. However, I will admit I was still overly stressed with the endless amount of coursework I had, but I still had time to relax or had time to be bored and question what I should do with my time. Now taking all of my credits online and working 12-15 hour days, then traveling to the games on SaturdayRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Life885 Words  | 4 PagesPersonal Narrative Have you ever had something happen to you that changed your life forever? Something that you will never forget. It’s something that makes you who you are whether it is good or bad to makes you special. I know it’s hard to believe that one event could change your whole life but I promise you it can. A major life changing event happened to me on July 20th, 2011. This is the day that my youngest sister Carly was born. On this day my whole life was changed and it will never be theRead MorePersonal Narrative Of My Life956 Words  | 4 PagesPersonal Narrative Life has always been the opposite of predictable. Twists and turns are abundant during a person’s time on this earth. It has often been compared to a rollercoaster, and I believe that there is validity in that. At one point, when it seems like the ride can only continue in the upwards direction, it goes spiraling down faster than one can register. In that moment, it seems as though every good thing in one’s life comes crashing down in a domino-like fashion. Each great piece ofRead MorePersonal Narrative Of My Life1098 Words  | 5 Pages Personal Narrative There stood the school that I would go to for the next three years of my life. From what I could see on the map, the school was prodigious.There were two-story buildings around me, and I stood by one. I felt like a mouse compared to the vast school. Cool air brushed against my face as I analyzed the school.I was standing near eight planters, with my schedule and a school map in my hand.Up ahead of me, I could see cars passing by, dropping kids off to school.A lot of studentsRead MorePersonal Narrative Of My Life961 Words  | 4 PagesPersonal Narrative One day in mid-November, I thought that one of the worst days in my life had come. I walked into my parent’s room, and I found my mother rushing to gather things to go somewhere. Curiously, I asked my mom where she was going, and why she was in such a rush. My mom said, â€Å"Julia was in a bad car accident on the way home from school and is headed to the hospital. I’m going up there to see if there is anything I can do to help.†Immediately many questions came to my mind, but I knewRead MorePersonal Narrative In My Life1322 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal Narrative    Where do we go when we have nothing on our minds? Where do we go when we go quiet? I can not be the one to tell you. My mind is always focused on the next and can never stay put. My mind is like Hong Kong (most densely populated place on Earth) during a rush hour. It’s a room full of commotion and noise that can’t find the escape door. It’s fun at times, but unbearable when all you want to do is shut yourself out from the world and relax. I can’t pay attention in my classesRead MoreMy Personal Narrative Of My Life1286 Words  | 6 PagesMy personal Narrative The date was October 8, 2014, 2 days after my birthday. One of the realest quotes I heard was â€Å"Don’t trust a soul†and i should have listened. It started out as any other day, mom was mad me for one reason or another, dad was sitting on the couch like always playing the â€Å"Call of Duty†. I was a Saturday so of course I tried to sleep in but my dad love playing his game with the sound on high it really out under my skin. Think about it you re sleeping in your bed and all of aRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Life And Life2126 Words  | 9 Pagessit in my back yard looking at the fireworks, my brothers and sister all outside with me were having fun. It had me thinking about my life and thinking why I couldn’t be happy and why my parents couldn’t just be there for me when I needed them the most†¦things were about to get very bad and hard for me. I can just feel my life is about to go through a downfall and I just wonder will I be able to get through it. To being with, the first time is when I was only 14 years old I had gone to my friend’sRead MorePersonal Narrative My Life Essay578 Words  | 3 PagesPersonal Narrative My Life I never really thought about where my life was going. I always believed life took me where I wanted to go, I never thought that I was the one who took myself were I wanted to go. Once I entered high school I changed the way I thought. This is why I chose to go to college. I believe that college will give me the keys to unlock the doors of life. This way I can choose for myself where I go instead of someone choosing for me. I have chosen to go to the local communityRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Life And Life2126 Words  | 9 Pagessit in my back yard looking at the fireworks, my brothers and sister all outside with me were having fun. It had me thinking about my life and thinking why I couldn’t be happy and why my parents couldn’t just be there for me when I needed them the most†¦things were about to get very bad and hard for me. I can just feel my life is about to go through a downfall and I just wonder will I be able to get through it. To being with, the first time is when I was only 14 years old I had gone to my friend’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Martin Luther King s Letter From The Birmingham Jail
Martin Luther King preached the realities of what justice truly is. Nearly 50 years later our world is still having trouble with these ideas. There is no doubt that Martin Luther King was an extremely virtuous man. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, had a Ph.D. in systematic theology, was a baptist minister, and was probably the most recognized person in the civil rights movement. He was assassinated in 1968. The incident as described by Thich Nhat Hanh; I couldn t believe it. I thought the American people had produced a king, but are not capable of preserving him. There is an untestable amount of information describing true Justice in Martin s 1963 letter from the Birmingham Jail. In April 1963 he was jailed for peaceful protest, and charged with parading without a permit. He used this time to address fellow clergy members who called his protest unwise and untimely. The letter is one of the most robust, and well written documents on justice. If you would like to read it, you can do so here. Otherwise I d like to touch on some of the themes we can learn from this letter. Early in the letter, Martin describes four essential steps to a nonviolent campaign. Collection of the facts to determine whether injustice exists Negotiation Self purification Direct Action It s important to realize these steps are sequential, they result from some form of failure during the previous step. Just laws and unjust laws He claims we have not just a legal responsibility, but aShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail1690 Words  | 7 Pages1960’s were a time of civil disobedience and protest against the inequalities in America. Specifically, in Birmingham, Alabama, in the year 1962, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out against the racial inequalities in one of the most famous letters in America’s history: â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail.†This letter was sent to a group of Alabama clergymen who chastised King’s disobedience. The letter was written with the purpose to encourage these eight men to side with King. Martin Luther King Jr.’s knowledgeRead MoreMartin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail1860 Words  | 8 Pagesdisobedience as identified by Martin Luther King is a form of direct action, and an outright refusal to conform to laws as a form of protest. Martin Luther King addresses this method of resistance in his text, â€Å"Le tter from Birmingham Jail†. Martin Luther King Jr personally drafted the text as a response to criticisms made in a statement by clergymen whom apposed King’s nonviolent methods of resistance to continuous issues of racism occurring in Birmingham, Alabama. As expressed by King and described in hisRead MoreMartin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail998 Words  | 4 PagesMartin Luther King, Jr. seldom had time to answer his critics. But on April 16, 1963, he was confined to the Birmingham jail, imprisoned for participating in civil rights demonstrations. â€Å"Alone for days in the dull monotony of a narrow jail cell,†King pondered a letter titled A Call for Unity that fellow clergymen had published pressing him to drop his crusade of nonviolent resistance and to leave the battle for racial equality to the courts. Within that document, King’s fellow clergymen caste himRead MoreMartin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail1562 Words  | 7 PagesDr. Martin Luther King, one of the most influential men in the world, had played a pivotal role during the Civil Rights movement. He led the entire nation in the fight to end segregation, but while trying, he faced many obstacles, one being getting arrested during a rally. While in jail, King had time to respond to the critics of his work in the movement, and he wrote a marvelous, captivating response. In King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,†he replied and prof essed his emotions to the white clergymenRead MoreMartin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail1509 Words  | 7 Pagespeople to fight for their freedom with words and not their fists. Martin Luther King Jr. used the power of rhetoric during the civil rights movement to gain equality for the black community. MLK was a master of rhetoric and used his knowledge of proper arguments to sway the opinions of people in power to get what he wanted. Even though Martin Luther King includes an abundance of rhetorical devices in the â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,†he most effectively utilizes ethos and logos, elevating his perceivedRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. s Letter From A Birmingham Jail1157 Words  | 5 PagesMartin Luther King Jr.’s â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†is directed towards the clergymen, although America is his audience, King had come to Birmingham to address the segregation problem in the United States. He refuses to stay silent, even though people told him to wait for the change to happen. King is a part of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference that has many organizations across the South. He felt that he has a right to be in Birmingham because his organizations have connections withRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail955 Words  | 4 PagesBy 1963, when Martin Luther King planned a campaign against segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. During the demonstration he was arrested and lives in the jail for eight days. While he was in prison, he wrote his letter from Birmingham Jail to explain his actions and those who urged him to call off the demonstrations. Martin Luther King Jr. Birmingham Jail is important because, he explains the reasons for the non-violent demonstrations, he shows that black people are intelligent, and he criticizesRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. s Letter From Birmingham Jail934 Words  | 4 PagesIn Martin Luther King Jr.’s , â€Å" Letter from Birmingham Jail†, King responds to the judgments of a group of clergymen , after King s arrest, by writing a letter explaining why the clergymen s judgments were wrong. In his letter, king brings very reasonable and valid points that challenge the judgments of the ministers. The main arguments that king makes would be the reason of his existence in Birmingham, white power structure and its racial injustice, and finally why negotiation has brought up impatienceRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. s Letter From Birmingham Jail1223 Words  | 5 PagesMartin Luther King, Jr.’s, â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,†emphasizes the need for civil disobedience when faced with unjust laws. This idea contradicts Socrates’ claim made in Crito, that one must follow the law under all circumstances. In this paper, I will argue that Socrates is not a proponent of civil disobedience based on King’s definition of civil disobedience and Socrates’ charges. Moreover, I will argue that both Socrates and King disagree with one another based on the concept of civilRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail1037 Words  | 5 PagesEssay Four Topic: Read Martin Luther King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†(in your Nexus book) and Brent Staples’s â€Å"Black Men and Public Space.†What do these works say about racism, prejudice, and bias? Have we made any progress in these areas since their publication? What problems do you still see and what solutions can you offer? According to Opposing Viewpoints Online, Racism is â€Å"a prejudice or an animosity against a person or group of people who belong to a different race†. Many Americans wrongly Martin Luther King s Letter From The Birmingham Jail Martin Luther King’s â€Å"Letter from the Birmingham Jail†addresses the issue of individual civil rights. In the context of the racially segregated south, Martin Luther King argues that civil rights are not being protected for the power minority. An oppressed group has their civil rights unprotected and thus are marginalized; an oppressed individual does not have equal civil rights to an oppressed individual and it is this difference that creates the distinction between the oppressed and unoppressed. King mentions examples of how the black minority is being oppressed and not given equal civil rights, such as police brutality and unfair prosecution, racial humiliation, and restricted economic and social opportunities. In order to protect individual civil rights for all the oppressed group, which lacks equal civil rights, must strongly and unwaveringly pursue these rights. Like how the black civil rights movement pursued equal civil rights, an oppressed group must repe atedly actively pursue equality from their oppressors and thus restore individual civil rights. Laws that impede these rights are unjust according to King. An unjust law is an immoral law. King uses religious reasoning as well as objective reasoning in order to determine what is just versus unjust. In terms of religion, an unjust law is a law that corrupts the soul by preventing people from feeling as equals and thus goes against the religious idea that all people are equal under god. In terms of objectiveShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail1690 Words  | 7 Pages1960’s were a time of civil disobedience and protest against the inequalities in America. Specifically, in Birmingham, Alabama, in the year 1962, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out against the racial inequalities in one of the most famous letters in America’s history: â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail.†This letter was sent to a group of Alabama clergymen who chastised King ’s disobedience. The letter was written with the purpose to encourage these eight men to side with King. Martin Luther King Jr.’s knowledgeRead MoreMartin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail1860 Words  | 8 Pagesdisobedience as identified by Martin Luther King is a form of direct action, and an outright refusal to conform to laws as a form of protest. Martin Luther King addresses this method of resistance in his text, â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†. Martin Luther King Jr personally drafted the text as a response to criticisms made in a statement by clergymen whom apposed King’s nonviolent methods of resistance to continuous issues of racism occurring in Birmingham, Alabama. As expressed by King and described in hisRead MoreMartin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail998 Words  | 4 PagesMartin Luther King, Jr. seldom had time to answer his critics. But on April 16, 1963, he was confined to the Birmingham jail, imprisoned for participating in civil rights demonstrations. â€Å"Alone for days in the dull monotony of a narrow jail cell,†King pondered a letter titled A Call for Unity that fellow clergymen had published pressing him to drop his crusade of nonviolent resistance and to leave the battle for racial equality to the courts. Within that document, King’s fellow clergymen caste himRead MoreMartin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail1562 Words  | 7 PagesDr. Martin Luther King, one of the most influential men in the world, had played a pivotal role during the Civil Rights movement. He led the entire nation in the fight to end segregation, but while trying, he faced many obstacles, one being getting arrested during a rally. While in jail, King had time to respond to the critics of his work in the movement, and he wrote a marvelous, captivating response. In King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,†he replied and prof essed his emotions to the white clergymenRead MoreMartin Luther King s Letter From The Birmingham Jail939 Words  | 4 PagesMartin Luther King preached the realities of what justice truly is. Nearly 50 years later our world is still having trouble with these ideas. There is no doubt that Martin Luther King was an extremely virtuous man. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, had a Ph.D. in systematic theology, was a baptist minister, and was probably the most recognized person in the civil rights movement. He was assassinated in 1968. The incident as described by Thich Nhat Hanh; I couldn t believe it. I thought theRead MoreMartin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail1509 Words  | 7 Pagespeople to fight for their freedom with words and not their fists. Martin Luther King Jr. used the power of rhetoric during the civil rights movement to gain equality for the black community. MLK was a master of rhetoric and used his knowledge of proper arguments to sway the opinions of people in power to get what he wanted. Even though Martin Luther King includes an abundance of rhetorical devices in the â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,†he most effectively utilizes ethos and logos, elevating his perceivedRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. s Letter From A Birmingham Jail1157 Words  | 5 PagesMartin Luther King Jr.’s â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†is directed towards the clergymen, although America is his audience, King had come to Birmingham to address the segregation problem in the United States. He refuses to stay silent, even though people told him to wait for the change to happen. King is a part of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference that has many organizations across the South. He felt that he has a right to be in Birmingham because his organizations have connections withRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King s Letter From Birmingham Jail955 Words  | 4 PagesBy 1963, when Martin Luther King planned a campaign aga inst segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. During the demonstration he was arrested and lives in the jail for eight days. While he was in prison, he wrote his letter from Birmingham Jail to explain his actions and those who urged him to call off the demonstrations. Martin Luther King Jr. Birmingham Jail is important because, he explains the reasons for the non-violent demonstrations, he shows that black people are intelligent, and he criticizesRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. s Letter From Birmingham Jail934 Words  | 4 PagesIn Martin Luther King Jr.’s , â€Å" Letter from Birmingham Jail†, King responds to the judgments of a group of clergymen , after King s arrest, by writing a letter explaining why the clergymen s judgments were wrong. In his letter, king brings very reasonable and valid points that challenge the judgments of the ministers. The main arguments that king makes would be the reason of his existence in Birmingham, white power structure and its racial i njustice, and finally why negotiation has brought up impatienceRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. s Letter From Birmingham Jail1223 Words  | 5 PagesMartin Luther King, Jr.’s, â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,†emphasizes the need for civil disobedience when faced with unjust laws. This idea contradicts Socrates’ claim made in Crito, that one must follow the law under all circumstances. In this paper, I will argue that Socrates is not a proponent of civil disobedience based on King’s definition of civil disobedience and Socrates’ charges. Moreover, I will argue that both Socrates and King disagree with one another based on the concept of civil
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cheggs Analysis of Swot free essay sample
Competitors: Campus Book Rentals, Book swim, Book Renter, Skoobit, among others. b) Competitors actions will be mainly monitored: * By mainly common customers to both that company and its competitors. If there are any new changes that a competitor makes, customers might invariably at some time or the other talk to the sales representatives of the other company, and that is how those employees in turn could alert the management about how to counter that hange. Companies could check sales reports of the competitor online. * They could also get feedback from suppliers who supply to that company and its * Also they can monitor how the competitors shares are competitor company. behaving. They should see the movement of their shares over the course of a period of time. It will move up and down as per their product releases, or because of changes that the company undergoes, like new directors could be appointed who might better the companys prospects. We will write a custom essay sample on Cheggs Analysis of Swot or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also, they can monitor their competitors actions through advertisements. Usually companies will advertise new products that they release, so we could find out what those new products are that are being offered to customers. * We also have to be aware of the MA (Mergers and Acquisitions) activities of the competitor. If they are taking over and acquiring other companies, and extending their scope of consumer activity or if they are being acquired by bigger companies, which might earn them more profits, it will give us an account of hether they are under loss, if their balance sheet is weak, etc. Therefore, MAs indirectly tell us details about the competitors actions. c) The customer segment for Chegg is mainly college-going students who are in the lookout for good deals on textbooks for college since textbooks are so expensive these days. The customer segment is neither seasonal nor limited. The customer base of college students will never stop since there are always new students entering college. d) Some strategies to appeal to them are: Excellent customer service and accessibility Cheggs has very good customer service. For example, they are very accessible to customers instantly through phone numbers, live chat on their website, email, etc. * Competitive pricing they try to price their books lesser than their competitors so students rent more from them. * They also advertise Chegg a lot by stating that Cheggs is number 1 in textbook rentals which makes their company earn more customers since everyone is looking for the best these days. * Chegg also makes return of books very easy by provide ustomers with return mailers which also help the company to keep track of returns in an organized way. This appeals to customers as returns are made easier for them, e) Chegg is high up on the social responsibility index: * By undertaking to plant a tree for every book they sell. In addition to that, consumers can choose on which continent they want to plan a tree. * They also contribute to economy as by leasing it out to consumers, the buying of books becomes lesser and this in turn saves paper to make the books, and in turn saves trees.
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